
Friday, October 5, 2012

Feeling Thankful

I was travelling pretty much all week so I haven't done anything home front.

While in Calgary I reunited with my buddy Jessie from college who I haven't seen for 13 years. It was a very emotional moment when we first connected. Although we've been keeping each other up-to-date on our respective lives, it felt so very different (in a good way) to finally see each other again in person. Back to the days when we were in college, we promised each other that we'd be godmothers to our respective first-borns. Years later, Jessie is already a mother of three, and I am still childless. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to meet my precious goddaughter Olivia for the first time. As fate would have it, we clicked right away.

My precious little goddaughter Olivia. Isn't she the most beautiful girl?

Minutes later we'd already warmed up to each other as if I've been around all along. While Jessie and I were catching up, Olivia disappeared for about 15 minutes and just when we were wondering why she had been so quiet upstairs, she came down and handed me this that almost put me in tears!

I wish I had taken some pictures of her other acrylic paintings on canvas to show you. They are way too sophisticated for a little girl of her age. I am so proud of her.

In the late afternoon Jessie and I took a peaceful walk down the trail along the Calgary's most scenic Bow River and had a nice long chat. I only wish I could stay for longer and spend more time with her and kids.

As we are celebrating the Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, I feel so thankful that I have friendships like what I have with Jessie, a talented and beautiful goddaughter Olivia, a loving husband who is also my best friend, a life that I am content with and a job I enjoy.

Have a great Thanksgiving long weekend everyone!