We have a very sunny front yard as it gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight throughout the day mostly in the afternoon. Therefore all the plants/trees I pick prefer full to partial sun. I also try to mix different color foliage throughout such as:
- Colorado Blue Spruce (7-8' tall): focal point, blue;
- Rose of Sharon Hibiscus (3-6' tall): second tier on the right, deep green foliage with pink flowers;
- Blue Star Juniper as ground cover in front of the Hibiscus: blue;
- Anthony Waterer Spirea (2-3' tall): second tier on the left, bright green/chartreuse foliage with small pink flowers, evergreen;
- One large Daylily Clump in between: green spiky leaves with coral/pink flowers.
So here is the plan and I can wait to have them all planted once the hardscaping is done.
(click on the image to enlarge)