New Christmas Stocking and Coffee Table Book
I won this gorgeous Christmas stocking from Design Maze made by Switch Studio, thank you Tim and Staci. I only wish I knew about Switch Studio before I started decorating my Christmas mantle. I likely would've had Switch Studio custom-made all this year's Christmas stockings for me...their fabric selections are amazing!
Since I already have the white snowflake stockings from Chapters Indigo on my living room mantle, I've decided to hang the Switch Studio in the foyer right next to the Christmas tree. I love a pop of color there.
As a bargain hunter, I did my fair share of Cyber Monday shopping online last week by taking advantage of coupons and promotions/incentives (e.g. 20x airmiles). Did you know Amazon offers brand name fridge water filters at the lowest price (based on my research)? I ordered mine and received a $15-off promo code, so I went ahead and treated myself with this Louvre: 400 Master Pieces book I've been wanting to collect.

If you've been following my blog for a while, you would know I am a bit of an online shopaholic. I love the convenience and comfort from shopping from my home computer, at my own pace and schedule. I also love the fact that I could compare-shop (usually for the best price) before making any purchase decision. And since most shops offer free shipping with a certain order amount, as long as I know what I am buying, there is really no reason for me to hit the jam-packed malls these days. To such a degree that this year all the gift shopping I've done so far is pretty much all web-based.
So do you like online shopping? What do you like and dislike about it?